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Ignacio Poblete

2021, Borrero-de Acuña, J. M., Gutierrez-Urrutia, I., Hidalgo-Dumont, C., Aravena-Carrasco, C., Orellana-Saez, M., Palominos-Gonzalez, N., Poblete-Castro I*. Channeling carbon flux through the meta-cleavage route for improved poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) production from benzoate and lignin-based aromatics in Pseudomonas putida H, Microbial Biotechnology.
2021, M. Borrero de Acuña, M. Rhode, C. Saldias, I. Poblete-Castro. Fed-batch mcl-Polyhydroxyalkanoates production in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and ΔphaZ mutant on biodiesel-derived crude glycerol , Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
2021, Sarah Lisa Hoffmann, Michael Kohlstedt, Lukas Jungmann, Michael Hutter, Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Judith Becker, Christoph Wittmann. Cascaded valorization of brown seaweed to produce l-lysine and value-added products using Corynebacterium glutamicum streamlined by systems metabolic engineering , Metabolic Engineering.
2021, Roberto A Bobadilla-Fazzini, Ignacio Poblete-Castro. Biofilm Formation Is Crucial for Efficient Copper Bioleaching From Bornite Under Mesophilic Conditions: Unveiling the Lifestyle and Catalytic Role of Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria, Frontiers in Microbiology.
2021, Acosta, A., Antipán, J., Fernández, M., Prado, G., Sandoval-Altamirano, C., Günter, G., Gutiérrez-Urrutia, I.Poblete-Castro, I., Vega, A., Pizarro, N.. Photochemistry of P,N-bidentate rhenium(i) tricarbonyl complexes: Reactive species generation and potential application for antibacterial photodynamic therapy, RSC Advances.
2020, van Duuren, J.B.J.H.| de Wild, P.J.| Starck, S.| Bradtmöller, C.| Selzer, M.| Mehlmann, K.| Schneider, R.| Kohlstedt, M.| Poblete-Castro, I.| Stolzenberger, J.| Barton, N.| Fritz, M.| Scholl, S.| Venus, J.| Wittmann, C.. Limited life cycle and cost assessment for the bioconversion of lignin-derived aromatics into adipic acid, Biotechnology and Bioengineering.
2020, Poblete-Castro, I.| Aravena-Carrasco, C.| Orellana-Saez, M.| Pacheco, N.| Cabrera, A.| Borrero-de Acuña, J.M.. Engineering the Osmotic State of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for Efficient Cell Disruption and Downstream Processing of Poly(3-Hydroxyalkanoates), Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
2020, Poblete-Castro, I.| Hoffmann, S.-L.| Becker, J.| Wittmann, C. . Cascaded valorization of seaweed using microbial cell factories, Current Opinion in Biotechnology.
2020, Poblete-Castro, I.| Ramsay, B.A.| Rehm, B.H.A. . Editorial: Pathway, Genetic and Process Engineering of Microbes for Biopolymer Synthesis, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
2020, Borrero-de Acuña, J.M.| Poblete-Castro, I. . Expanding the Reach of Recombineering to Environmental Bacteria, Trends in Biotechnology.
2020, Godard, T.| Zühlke, D.| Richter, G.| Wall, M.| Rohde, M.| Riedel, K.| Poblete-Castro, I.| Krull, R.| Biedendieck, R. . Metabolic Rearrangements Causing Elevated Proline and Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation During the Osmotic Adaptation Response of Bacillus megaterium, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
2019, José Manuel Borrero-de Acuña, Carla Aravena-Carrasco, Izabook Gutierrez-Urrutia, Daniela Duchens, Ignacio Poblete-Castro.. Enhanced synthesis of medium-chain-length Poly (3- hydroxyalkanoates) by inactivating the tricarboxylate transport system of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and process development using waste vegetable oil., Process Biochemistry.
2019, Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Christoph Wittmann, Pablo I. Nikel.Nicolas Pacheco, Matias Orellana-Saez, Marzena Pepczynska, Javier Enrione, Monica Bassas-Galia, Jose M Borrero-de Acuña, Flavia C Zacconi, Andrés E Marcoleta, Ignacio Poblete-Castro.. Exploiting the natural poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) production capacity of Antarctic Pseudomonas strains: from unique phenotypes to novel biopolymers., Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology.
2019, Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Christoph Wittmann. Biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology of glycerol utilization in Pseudomonas species, Microbial Biotechnology.
2019, Matias Orellana-Saez, Nicolas Pacheco, Jose I Costa, Katterinne N Mendez, Matthieu J Miossec, Claudio Meneses, Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Andrés E Marcoleta, Ignacio Poblete- Castro.. In-depth genomic and phenotypic characterization of the Antarctic psychrotolerant strain Pseudomonas sp. MPC6 reveals unique metabolic features, plasticity, and biotechnological potential., Frontiers in Microbiology.
2019, Pardo-Esté, C.| Castro-Severyn, J.| Krüger, G.I.| Cabezas, C.E.| Briones, A.C.| Aguirre, C.| Morales, N.| Baquedano, M.S.| Sulbaran, Y.N.| Hidalgo, A.A.| Meneses, C.| Poblete-Castro, I.| Castro-Nallar, E.| Valvano, M.A.| Saavedra, C.P.. The Transcription Factor ArcA Modulates Salmonella’s Metabolism in Response to Neutrophil Hypochlorous Acid-Mediated Stress, Frontiers in Microbiology.
2018, Izabook Gutierrez-Urrutia, Matthieu J Miossec, Sandro L Valenzuela, Claudio Meneses, Vitor AP Martins dos Santos, Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Ignacio Poblete-Castro.. Genome sequence of two members of the chloroaromatic-degrading MT community: Pseudomonas reinekei MT1 and Achromobacter xylosoxidans MT3, Journal of Biotechnology.
2017, Macarena Varas, Camilo Valdivieso, Cecilia Mauriaca, Javiera Ortíz-Severín, Alberto Paradela, Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Ricardo Cabrera, Francisco P Chávez.. Multi-level evaluation of Escherichia coli polyphosphate related mutants using global transcriptomic, proteomic, and phenomic analysis., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 4.
2017, CE Torres-Cerna, AY Alanis, I Poblete-Castro, EA Hernandez-Vargas.. Batch cultivation model for biopolymer production., Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly.
2017, José Manuel Borrero-de Acuña, Cristian Hidalgo-Dumont, Nicolás Pacheco, Alex Cabrera, Ignacio Poblete-Castro.. A novel programmable lysozyme-based lysis system in Pseudomonas putida for biopolymer production, Scientific Report.
2017, Oliva-Arancibia B, Órdenes-Aenishanslins N, Bruna N, Ibarra PS, Zacconi FC, Pérez- Donoso JM, Poblete-Castro I.. Co-synthesis of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates and CdS quantum dots nanoparticles in Pseudomonas putida KT2440, Journal of Biotechnology.
2016, Beckers V, Poblete-Castro I, Tomasch J, Wittmann C.. Integrated analysis of gene expression and metabolic fluxes of PHA-producing Pseudmonas putida grown on glycerol., Microbial Cell Factories.
2016, Carlos E Torres-Cerna, Alma Y Alanis, Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Marta Bermejo-Jambrina, Esteban A Hernandez-Vargas. . A comparative study of differential evolution algorithms for parameter fittings procedures., Evolutionary Computation (CEC).
2015, Vizoso P, Pacheco N, Bastias-Molina M, Meneses C, Poblete-Castro I.. Genome Sequence of the Phenol-Degrading Bacterium Pseudomonas putida H., Genome Announcement.
2014, Poblete-Castro I, Rodriguez A, Lam, C, Kessler W.. Improved production of medium- chain-length Polyhydroxyalkanotes in glucose-based fed-batch cultivations of metabolically engineered Pseudomonas putida strains., Journal of Micriobiology and Biotechnology.
2014, Borrero-de Acuña JM, Bielecka A, Häussler S, Schobert M, Jahn M, Wittmann C, Jahn D, Poblete-Castro I. Production of medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate in metabolic flux optimized Pseudomonas putida, Microbial Cell Factories.
2014, Poblete-Castro I, Binger D, Oehlert R, Rohde M.. Comparison of mcl-Poly(3- hydroxyalkanoates) synthesis by different Pseudomonas putida strains from crude glycerol: citrate accumulates at high titer under PHA-producing conditions., BMC Biotechnology.
2013, Poblete-Castro I, Binger D, Rodriguez A, Becker J, dos Santos VAP, Wittmann C... In-silico driven metabolic engineering of Pseudomonas putida for the enhanced production of polyhydroxyalkanoates, Metabolic Engineering.
2012, Poblete-Castro I, Becker J, Dohnt K, dos Santos V, Wittmann C . Industrial biotechnology of Pseudomonas putida and related species, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.
2012, Poblete-Castro I, Escapa I, Jager C, Puchalka J, Lam C, Shomburg D, Prieto MA, dos Santos VAP.. The metabolic response of Pseudomonas putida KT2442 producing high levels of polyhydroxyalkanoates under single- and multiple-nutrient-limited growth: Highlights from a multi- level omics approach., Microbial Cell Factories.
2021, Turning plastic into bioplastic: Engineering Pseudomonas strains for the efficient synthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from PET derived compounds, Responsable, FONDECYT.
2020, Long-range transport of xenobiotics and microorganisms: teleconnections and influence on terrestrial ecosystems, Subdirector, Anillo-ANID-PIA ACT192057.
2016, System-level analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Pseudomonas syringae interaction: dual assessment of the transcriptomic and metabolomic responses to unravel bacterial effects leading to resistance or susceptibility through the regulatory node WRKY7/11/17., Co-investigator, FONDECYT.
2015, Systems metabolic engineering of Pseudomonas putida for the synthesis of tailor-made polyhydroxyalkanoates, Principal Investigator, FONDECYT.