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Julio Romero

2021, Daniela Cerro and Gonzalo Bustos and Carolina Villegas and Nicolás Buendia and Giannina Truffa and María Paz Godoy and Francisco Rodríguez and Adrián Rojas and María José Galotto and Luis Constandil and Mauricio Yáñez-S and Julio Romero and Alejandra Torres. Effect of supercritical incorporation of cinnamaldehyde on physical-chemical properties, disintegration and toxicity studies of PLA/lignin nanocomposites, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
2020, Plaza, Andrea, Tapia, Ximena Yañez, Camila Vilches, Fernanda Candia, Oscar Cabezas, René Romero, Julio . Obtaining Hydroxytyrosol from Olive Mill Waste Using Deep Eutectic Solvents and Then Supercritical CO2, Waste and Biomass Valorization.
2020, Plaza.,R.Cabezas, G.Merlet, E.Zurob, A.Concha-Meyer A. Reyes, J.Romero. Dehydrated cranberry juice powder obtained by osmotic distillation combined with freeze-drying: Process Intensification and energy reduction, Chemical Engineering Research .
2020, Javiera Sepulveda and Carolina Villegas and Alejandra Torres and Esteban Vargas and Francisco Rodriguez and Samuel Baltazar and Alejandro Prada and Adrian Rojas and Julio Romero and Simon Faba and María Jose Galotto. Effect of functionalized silica nanoparticles on the mass transfer process in active PLA nanocomposite films obtained by supercritical impregnation for sustainable food packaging, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids.
2020, Humberto Estay and Minghai Gim-Krumm and Gabriel Seriche and Michelle Quilaqueo and Lorena Barros and René Ruby-Figueroa and Julio Romero and Elizabeth Troncoso. Optimizing the SART process: A critical assessment of its design criteria, Minerals Engineering.
2020, Alvarado, Nancy, Abarca, Romina L., Urdaneta, José , Romero, Julio, Galotto, María José, Guarda, Abel. Cassava starch: structural modification for development of a bio-adsorber for aqueous pollutants. Characterization and adsorption studies on methylene blue, Polymer Bulletin.
2020, E. Quijada-Maldonado, A. Allain, B. Perez, G. Merlet, R. Cabezas, R. Tapia, J. Romero. Selective liquid-liquid extraction of molybdenum (VI) and rhenium (VII) from a synthetic pregnant leach solution: Comparison between extractants and diluents, Minerals Engineering.
2020, S. Ormazabal, E. Villarroel, R.A. Tapia, J. Romero, E. Quijada-Maldonado. Supercritical carbon dioxide solubility in hydrophobic ionic liquid mixtures: Experimental determination and thermodynamic modeling, Fluid Phase Equilibria.
2020, E. Zurob, R. Cabezas, E. Villarroel, N. Rosas, G. Merlet, E. Quijada-Maldonado, J. Romero, A. Plaza. Design of Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Hydroxytyrosol From Olive Leaves Supported by COSMO-RS, Separation and Purification Technology.
2020, E. Quijada-Maldonado, F. Olea, R. Sepúlveda, J. Castillo, R. Cabezas, G. Merlet, J. Romero. Possibilities and challenges for ionic liquids in hydrometallurgy, Separation and Purification Technology.
2020, R. Cabezas, V. Prieto, A. Plaza, G. Merlet, E. Quijada-Maldonado, A.Torres, M. Yáñez-S, J. Romero. Extraction of vanillin from aqueous matrices by membrane-based supercritical fluid extraction: Effect of operational conditions on its performance, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
2020, A. Quintriqueo, J. Romero, E. Quijada-Maldonado, E. Bringas, F. Olea, J. Hernández. Extraction and Separation Factor for Lanthanum (III) and Cerium (III) Complexes from Aqueous Medium Using Ionic Liquid and Kerosene, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science.
2020, F. Olea, G. Rosales, A.Quintriqueo, J. Romero, J. Pizarro, C. Ortiz, E. Quijada-Maldonado. Theoretical prediction of selectivity in solvent extraction of La(III) and Ce(III) from aqueous solutions using β-diketones as extractants and kerosene and two imidazolium-based ionic liquids as diluents via quantum chemistry and COSMO-RS calculations, Journal of Molecular Liquids.
2020, E. Quijada-Maldonado, J. Romero,. Solvent extraction of rare earth elements with ionic liquids: towards a selective and sustainable extraction of these valuable elements, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry.
2019, H. Estay, M. Gim-Krumm, M. Quilaqueo, V. Rojas, G. Seriche, D. Cortés-Arriagada, R. Ruby-Figueroa, J. Romero, E. Troncoso. Impact of precipitate characteristics and precipitation conditions on the settling performance of a sulfide precipitation process: An exhaustive characterization of the aggregation behavior, Hydrometallurgy.
2019, A. Çalhan, S. Deniz, J. Romero, A. Hasanoğlu. Development of metal organic framework filled PDMS/PI composite membranes for biobutanol recovery, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering.
2019, PLA/organoclay bionanocomposites impregnated with thymol and cinnamaldehyde by supercritical impregnation for active and sustainable food packaging. Villegas, M.P. Arrieta, A. Rojas, A. Torres, S. Faba, M.J. Toledo, M.A. Gutierrez, E. Zavalla, J. Romero, M.J. Galotto, X. Valenzuela, Composite Part B: Engineering.
2019, R. Cabezas, K. Suazo, G. Merlet, E. Quijada-Maldonado, A. Torres and J. Romero. Performance of butanol separation from ABE mixtures by pervaporation using silicone-coated ionic liquid gel membranes, RSC Advances.
2019, J.P. Canales, R. Arce, C. Madariaga, M. García, C. Canales, J. Vélez, M.C. Arévalo, M.J. Aguirre, J. Romero. Extraction of sulfite for wastewater treatment and for analytical determination., Desalination and Water Treatment.
2019, A. Rojas, A. Torres, M.J. Galotto, A. Guarda, J. Romero. Supercritical impregnation for food applications: a review of the effect of the operational variables on the active compound loading, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
2018, J. Romero, C. Zambra, G. Merlet, R. Cabezas, G. Correa, G. Salinas, J. González, F. Veliz, R. Lemus-Mondaca. Liquid–liquid extraction of hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, and oleuropein using ionic liquids. Separation Science and Technology, Separation Science and Technology.
2018, Alvarado, N; Romero, J; Torres, A; de Dicastillo, CL; Rojas, A; Galotto, MJ ; Guarda, A.. Supercritical impregnation of thymol in poly(lactic acid) filled with electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol)-cellulose nanocrystals nanofibers: Development an active food packaging material, Journal of Food Engineering.
2018, Torres-Ossandon, MJ; Vega-Galvez, A; Lopez, J; Stucken, K; Romero, J; Di Scala, K . Effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing and supercritical fluid extraction on bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of Cape gooseberry pulp (Physalis peruviana L.), Journal of Supercritical Fluids.
2018, Rojas, A; Torres, A ; Anazco, A; Villegas, C; Galotto, MJ; Guarda, A; Romero, J. . Effect of pressure and time on scCO(2)-assisted incorporation of thymol into LDPE-based nanocomposites for active food packaging, Journal of CO2 Utilization.
2018, Estay, H; Troncoso, E ; Ruby-Figueroa, R; Romero, J . Performance evaluation of mass transfer correlations in the GFMA process: A review with perspectives to the design, Journal of Membrane Science .
2018, De Dicastillo, CL; Villegas, C ; Garrido, L ; Roa, K; Torres, A ; Galotto, MJ; Rojas, A; Romero, J . Modifying an Active Compound's Release Kinetic Using a Supercritical Impregnation Process to Incorporate an Active Agent into PLA Electrospun Mats, Polymers.
2018, Yanez-S, M; Matsuhiro, B; Maldonado, S; Gonzalez, R; Luengo, J; Uyarte, O; Serafine, D; Moya, S; Romero, J; Torres, R; Kogan, MJ . Carboxymethylcellulose from bleached organosolv fibers of Eucalyptus nitens: synthesis and physicochemical characterization, Cellulose.
2018, Estay, H; Troncoso, E ; Ruby-Figueroa, R; Romero, J . Assessment of Industrial Modules to Design a GFMA Process for Cyanide Recovery Based on a Phenomenological Model, Processes.
2018, Quijada-Maldonado, E; Sanchez, F; Perez, B; Tapia, R; Romero, J. Task-Specific Ionic Liquids as Extractants for the Solvent Extraction of Molybdenum(VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Different Commercial Ionic Liquids as Diluents, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
2017, Carol López de Dicastillo, Luan Garrido, Nancy Alvarado, Julio Romero, Juan Luis Palma y Maria Jose Galotto. Improvement of Polylactide Properties through Cellulose Nanocrystals Embedded in Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Electrospun Nanofibers, Nanomaterials.
2017, E. Quijada-Maldonado, M.J. Torres, J. Romero.. Solvent extraction of Molybdenum (VI) from aqueous solution using ionic liquids as diluents., Separation and Purification Technology.
2017, Silva, W., Romero, J., Morales, E., Mendoza, L. and Cotoras, M.. Red wine extract obtained by membrane-based supercritical fluid extraction: preliminary characterization of chemical properties, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
2017, Younas, M., Druon-Bocquet, Romero, J., Sanchez, J.. Numerical modelling and simulation of membrane-based extraction of copper (II) using hollow fiber contactors, Desalination and Water Treatment.
2017, Torres, A; Ilabaca, E; Rojas, A; Rodriguez, F] ; Galotto, MJ; Guarda, A; Villegas, C; Romero, J.. Effect of processing conditions on the physical, chemical and transport properties of polylactic acid films containing thymol incorporated by supercritical impregnation, European Polymer Journal.
2017, R. Sepúlveda, J. Castillo, A. Plaza, J. Sánchez, A. Torres and J. Romero.. Improvement of recovery performance in the solvent extraction of Cu(II) using [bmim] [Tf2N] and a beta-diketone as extractant and its stripping with supercritical carbon dioxide, Journal of Supercritical Fluids.
2017, G. Merlet, F. Uribe, C. Aravena, M. Rodríguez, R. Cabezas, E. Quijada-Maldonado, J. Romero.. Separation of fermentation products from ABE mixtures by perstraction using hydrophobic ionic liquids as extractants, Journal of Membrane Science.
2017, C. Villegas, A. Torres, M. Rios, A. Rojas, J. Romero, C. López de Dicastillo, X. Valenzuela, M. J. Galotto, A. Guarda. Supercritical impregnation of cinnamaldehyde into polylactic acid as a route to develop antibacterial food packaging materials, Food Reseach International.
2017, A. Rojas, A. Torres, F. Martínez, L. Salazar, A. Guarda, M.J. Galotto, and J. Romero. Assessment of kinetic release of thymol from LDPE nanocomposites obtained by supercritical impregnation: effect of depressurization rate and nanoclay content, European Polymer Journal.
2016, Quijada-Maldonado, E., Romero, J., Osorio, I.. Selective removal of iron(III) from synthetic copper(II) pregnant leach solutions using [bmim][Tf2N] as diluent and TFA as extracting agent, Hydrometallurgy.
2015, Rojas, A., Cerro, D., Torres, A., Galotto, M. J., Guarda, A. , Romero, J.. Supercritical impregnation and kinetic release of 2-nonanone in LLDPE films used for active food packaging, Journal of Supercritical Fluids.
2015, Cabezas, R., Plaza, A., Merlet, G., Romero, J.. Effect of fluid dynamic conditions on the recovery of ABE fermentation products by membrane-based dense gas extraction, Chemical Engineering and Processing.
2015, Younas, M., Druon-Bocquet, S., Romero, J., Sanchez, J.. Experimental and theoretical investigation of distribution equilibria and kinetics of copper(II) extraction with LIX 84 I and TFA, Separation Science and Technology.
2015, Torres, A., Ramirez, C., Romero, J., Guerrero, G., Valenzuela, X., Guarda, A., Galotto, M.J.. Experimental and theoretical study of bisphenol A migration from polycarbonate into regulated EU food simulant, European Food Research and Technology.
2015, C. Zambra, J. Romero, L. Pino, A. Saavedra, J. Sanchez.. Concentration of cranberry juice by osmotic distillation process, Journal of Food Engineering.
2014, Arce, R., Romero, J., Aguirre, M.J.. A glassy carbon electrode modified by a copolymer of Co-tetrakis (para-aminophenyl) porphyrin and ortho-phenylenediamine Characterization and electrocatalytic sulfite oxidation behavior of a basic extract from red wine. , Journal of Applied Electrochemistry.
2014, Arce, R., Aguirre, M.J., Romero, J.. Electrooxidation of Free Sulfite by an Integrated System of Glassy Carbon Modified Electrodes with Nickel Phthalocyanines and Membrane Absorber in Red Wine., International Journal of Electrochemical Science.
2014, Plaza, A., Romero, J., Silva, W., Morales, E., Torres, A., Aguirre, M.J.. Extraction and quantification of SO2 content in wines using a hollow fiber contactor, Food Science and Technology International.
2014, Estay, H., Troncoso, E., Romero, J.. Design and cost estimation of a gas-filled membrane absorption (GFMA) process as alternative for cyanide recovery in Gold mining, Journal of Membrane Science.
2014, Sepúlveda, R., Romero, J., Sánchez, J.. Copper removal from aqueous solutions by means of ionic liquids containing a β-diketone and the recovery of metal complexes by supercritical fluid extraction, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
2014, Torres, A., Romero, J., Macan, A., Guarda, A., Galotto, M. J.. Near critical and supercritical impregnation and kinetic release of thymol in LLDPE films used for food packaging, Journal of Supercritical Fluids.
2014, Arce, R., Aguirre, M.J., Romero, J.. Sensor for Quantitative Analytical Determination of Sulphite in Wine Using a System of Modified Electrode and a Membrane Absorption System, ECS Transactions.
2013, Arce, R., Márquez, P., Herrera, F., Aguirre, M.J., Romero, J.. Sulfite oxidation mediated by ortho-phenylenediamine /co(ii)-tetrakis(para-aminophenyl) porphyrin copolymers in acid medium, Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society.
2013, Valdés, H., Sepúlveda, R., Romero, J., Valenzuela, F., Sanchez, J.. Near critical and supercritical fluid extraction of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions using a hollow fiber contactor, Chemical Engineering and Processing.
2013, Plaza, A., Merlet, G., Hasanoglu, A., Isaacs, M., Sanchez, J., Romero, J.. Separation of butanol from ABE mixtures by sweep gas pervaporation using a supported gelled ionic liquid membrane: Analysis of transport phenomena and selectivity, Journal of Membrane Science.
2013, Hasanoğlu, A., Romero, J., Plaza, A., Silva, W.. Gas-filled membrane absorption: a review of three different applications to describe the mass transfer by means of a unified approach, Desalination and Water Treatment.
2013, Estay, H., Ortiz, M., Romero, J.. A novel process based on gas filled membrane absorption to recover cyanide in gold mining, Hydrometallurgy.
2012, Hasanoğlu, A., Rebolledo, F., Plaza, A., Torres, A., Romero, J.. Effect of the operating variables on the extraction and recovery of aroma compounds in an osmotic distillation process coupled to a vacuum membrane distillation system, Journal of Food Engineering.
2012, Torres, A., Guarda, A., Moraga, N., Romero, J., Galotto, M.J.. Experimental and theoretical study of thermodynamics and transport properties of multilayer polymeric food packaging, European Food Research and Technology.
2012, Vyhmeister, E., Estay, H., Romero, J., Cubillos, F.. Simulation and process optimization of a membrane-based dense gas extraction using hollow fiber contactors, Chemical Engineering Communications.
2011, Galotto, M.J., Torres, A., Guarda, A., Moraga, N., Romero, J.. Experimental and theoretical study of LDPE: Evaluation of different food simulants and temperatures, Food Research International.
2011, Galotto, M. J., Torres, A., Guarda, A., Moraga, N., Romero, J.. Experimental and theoretical study of LDPE versus different concentrations of Irganox 1076 and different thickness, Food Research International.
2010, Valenzuela, F., Basualto, C., Sapag, J., Romero, J., Höll, W., Fonseca, C., Araneda, C.. A kinetics analysis applied to the recovery of Zn(II) content from mine drainage by using a surfactant liquid membrane, Desalination and Water Treatment.
2010, Hasanoğlu, A., Romero, J., Pérez, B., Plaza, A.. Ammonia removal from wastewater streams through membrane contactors: Experimental and theoretical analysis of operation parameters and configuration, Chemical Engineering Journal.
2010, Bubnovich, V., Toledo, M., Henríquez, L., Rosas, C., Romero, J.. Flame stabilization between two beds of alumina balls in a porous burner, Applied Thermal Engineering.
2020, Proceso Integrado de Separación con Membranas para la Recuperación de Cianuro y Metales de Valor en la Minería de Oro y Plata, Coinvestigador, Proyecto FONDEF ID17I20021.
2019, Production of HMF in an ionic liquid/organic biphasic system coupling dense CO2 as phase separation switch and a hollow fiber membrane, Investigador Responsable, FONDECYT 1190302.
2017, “Concentración de extractos fenólicos y purificación de hidroxitirosol a partir de RILes de la industria olivícola utilizando perstracción”., Definir, Fondef ID15I10611.
2017, Sustainable functionalization of packaging films by supercritical CO2 (ImpregPack), Definir, Proyecto BMBF Alemania.
2016, Experimental, Mathematical And Numerical Development Of A Membrane Perstraction Process For Hydroxytyrosol Extraction From Liquid Waste Of Manufacture Olive Oil., Co-investigador, FONDECYT Regular N° 1161093 - CONICYT.
2015, Supercritical Impregnation And Kinetic Release Of A Natural Antimicrobial Compound In Nanocomposites of Polymer Food Packaging Material., Co-investigador, FONDECYT Regular N° 1150592 - CONICYT.
2015, Centro Interdisciplinario de Líquidos Iónicos, Investigador principal, Núcleo Milenio (Renovación)– instituciones albergantes: Univ. de Chile y Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile.
2015, Fortalecimiento del área de procesos de separación avanzada y solventes alternativos del Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Investigador patrocinante, Programa de Inserción de Capital Humano Avanzado en la Academia (PAI) - CONICYT.
2014, Development of asymmetric ionic liquid-based membranes for pervaporation of biobutanol, Investigador responsable, FONDECYT Regular Nº1140208 - CONICYT.
2013, Degradation of textile dyes in wastewater by Electrochemical Oxidation Technologies, Co-investigador, FONDECYT Regular Nº1130391 - CONICYT.
2012, Study of the specific migration of Bisphenol (an endocrine disrupting agent), from food packaging materials, Co-investigador, FONDECYT Regular Nº 1120368 - CONICYT.
2012, Determination of electrochemical parameters for determination of wine aging, Co-investigador, FONDECYT Regular Nº1120071 - CONICYT.
2012, Sistema integrado de absorción de membrana-electrodo modificado con copolímeros de Porfirina de Co y Anilina y/o sus derivados para la determinación de sulfito en vino, Patrocinante, FONDECYT de Postdoctorado Nº3130594 - CONICYT.
2011, Propuesta científica de normativa para el desarrollo de envases plásticos inocuos: una metodología científica tecnológica de apoyo a instituciones públicas y privadas para fortalecer la estrategia nacional de consolidación de la industria alimentaria, Investigador principal, FONDEF - CONICYT.
2011, Development of new supported ionic liquid membranes and its application in supercritical fluid extraction of organic compounds from aqueous solutions, Investigador responsable, Proyecto de cooperación internacional ECOS-CONICYT.
2011, Centro Interdisciplinario de Líquidos Iónicos, Co-investigador, Núcleo Milenio Univ. de Chile y Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile.
2010, Supercritical fluid extraction of organic compounds from aqueous solutions using gelled ionic liquid membranes, Investigador responsable, FONDECYT N°1100305 - CONICYT.