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Luis Henríquez Vargas
2021, N. Pailahueque, A. Reyes, L. Henríquez-Vargas, M. Gil, P. Castro, V. Bubnovich. Fluid Dynamic Analysis and Residence Time Distribution Determination for Rectangular Based Spouted Beds, Powder Technology.
2020, A. Reyes, L. Henríquez-Vargas, J. Vásquez, N. Pailahueque, and G. Aguilar.. Analysis of a laboratory scale thermal energy accumulator using two-phases heterogeneous paraffin wax-water mixtures, Renewable Energy.
2020, L. Henríquez-Vargas, F. Angel, A. Reyes, N. Pailahueque, and P. Donoso-García.. Simulation of a solar energy accumulator based on phase change materials, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications.
2019, A. Reyes, N. Pailahueque, L. Henríquez-Vargas, J. Vásquez, and F. Sepúlveda. Analysis of a multistage solar thermal energy accumulator, Renewable Energy.
2019, P. Donoso-García and L. Henríquez-Vargas. Numerical study of a waste heat recovery thermogenerator system., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.
2019, V. Bubnovich, P. S. Martin, L. Henriquez, and M. de Lemos. Filtration gas combustion in a porous ceramic annular burner for thermoelectric power conversion, Heat Transfer Engineering.
2019, Reyes, A., Henríquez-Vargas, L., Pailahueque, N., Carvajal, N.. Experimental analysis of a rectangular base spouted bed in continuous operation, Chemical Engineering Transactions.
2017, Sara Contreras, Luis Henríquez-Vargas, Pedro Iván Álvarez. Arsenic transport and adsorption modeling in columns using a copper nanoparticles composite, Journal of Water Process Engineering.
2017, Henríquez-Vargas, L; Villarroel, E ; Gutiérrez, J; Donoso-García, P. Implementation of a parallel ADI algorithm on a finite volume GPU-based elementary porous media flow computation, Journal Of The Brazilian Society Of Mechanical Sciences And Engineering.
2017, Reyes, A; Henríquez-Vargas, L; Rivera, J; Sepúlveda, F. Theoretical and experimental study of aluminum foils and paraffin wax mixtures as thermal energy storage material, Renewable Energy.
2016, Donoso-García, P; Henríquez-Vargas, L. Numerical Study Of Porous Media Turbulent Combustion In A Recuperative Reactor, Journal of Porous Media.
2016, Bubnovich, V., San Martin, P., Henríquez-Vargas, L., Orlovskaya, N., & Gonzaiez-Rojas, H. A.. Electric power generation from combustion in porous media, Journal of Porous Media.
2016, V. Bubnovich, L. Henriquez-Vargas. Analysis of Combustibility Limits for Lean Methane/Air Mixtures in Cylindrical Annular Packed Bed, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
2015, L. Henríquez-Vargas, M. Valeria, V. Bubnovich. Numerical study of lean combustibility limits extension in a reciprocal flow porous media burner for ethanol/air mixtures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
2015, A. Reyes, L. Henríquez-Vargas, R. Aravena, F. Sepúlveda. Experimental analysis, modeling and simulation of a solar energy accumulator with paraffin wax as PCM, Energy Conversion and Management.
2015, L. Henríquez-Vargas, J. Loyola, D. Sanhueza, P. Donoso. Numerical Study of Reciprocal Flow Porous Media Burners Coupled with Thermoelectric Generation, Journal of Porous Media.
2015, P. Donoso-García, L. Henríquez-Vargas. Numerical study of turbulent porous media combustion coupled with thermoelectric generation in a recuperative reactor, Energy.
2014, L. Henríquez-Vargas, A. Cabezas, P. Donoso-García. Multiphysics coupling in COMSOL for modeling of thermo generation of electricity through porous media combustion, Afro Asian Journal of Science and Technology.
2013, L. Henríquez-Vargas and P. Donoso. Numerical study of thermoelectric generation within a reciprocal flow porous media burner. , Journal of Porous Media.
2013, L. Henríquez-Vargas, V. Bubnovich, P. Donoso-García, F. Cubillos. Modeling, simulation and control for a continuous porous media burner, Journal of Porous Media.
2013, L. Henríquez-Vargas and P. Donoso-García. Numerical study of thermoelectric generation within a reciprocal flow porous media burner, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation.
2012, V. Bubnovich, M. Maiza, and L. Henríquez-Vargas. Analysis of thermal energy conversion into electric power inside a porous media burner, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering.
2012, R. Salinas, U. Raff, and L. Henríquez-Vargas. Digital Temperature Tracking in Porous Media Burners, Measurement & Control.
2011, V. Bubnovich, L. Henríquez-Vargas, C. Díaz, and M. Maiza. Diameter of alumina balls effect on stabilization operation region for a reciprocal flow burner, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
2011, V. Bubnovich, M. Maiza, and L. Henríquez-Vargas. Modeling of thermoelectric power generation by porous media burner, Chemical Engineering.
2010, L. Henríquez-Vargas, V. Bubnovich, and F. Cubillos. Dynamic optimization of porous media combustor through flame positioning, Chemical Engineering.
2010, V. Bubnovich, L. Henríquez-Vargas, C. Díaz, and E. Ávila. Stabilization operation region and operational variables effect on a reciprocal flow burner, Heat and Mass Transfer.
2010, V. Bubnovich, M. Toledo, L. Henríquez-Vargas, C. Rosas, and J. Romero. Flame stabilization between two beds of alumina balls in a porous burner, Applied Thermal Engineering.
2020, Recuperación De Calor Residual A Través De Un Medio Poroso Con Aplicación En Termogeneración De Electricidad, Co-Investigador, DICYT 092011DG.
2018, Experimental analysis and modeling of the drying of solids using solar energy in a continuous multistage rectangular base spouted bed, Co-Investigador, FONDECYT.
2016, Reactor Continuo para Cortadura de Ioduro, Fusión Autógena y Separación de Iodo, Director Alterno, CORFO.
2015, Sistema de recuperación de solventes a partir de las emisiones de la industria flexográfica mediante la tecnología PSA, Investigador, CORFO.
2013, Diseño y desarrollo de un incinerador de compuestos orgánicos volátiles en el aire de baja concentración, Investigador, CORFO.
2010, Theoretical and experimental study of power generation through combustion of low calorific gas mixtures in porous media, Inv Responsable, FONDECYT.