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Graduation Profile and Objectives

General aim:

Train researchers in the area of Chemical Engineering Sciences, promoting scientific-technological research activity by transferring knowledge and methodologies applied to areas related to Chemical Engineering.


Specific aims:

a. Train graduates who can participate in the creation of scientific-technological knowledge in the field of Chemical Engineering Sciences, through the exercise of research in companies, laboratories or research centers in areas related to the specialty.

b. Strengthen the activities of innovation, adaptation and optimization of the processes and methodologies of the discipline.

c. To develop research capacity in graduates, facilitating their potential insertion in Doctoral programs, contributing to the formation of advanced human capital.


Graduate Profile:

Graduates will be trained to:

a. Propose solutions to specific problems of Chemical Engineering generating, adapting and / or optimizing processes and technologies, promoting the development of scientific-technological research in the area.

b. Develop scientific and technological research work in the field of Chemical Engineering.

c. Evaluate and adapt new technologies in the area of Chemical Engineering for application in companies, laboratories or research centers in areas related to the specialty.