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César Huiliñir Curío

2020, Acosta-Cordero,L., Carrera-Chapela F., Montalvo S., Guerrero L., Palominos N., Borja R. and Huiliñir, C.. Modeling of the effect of zeolite concentration on the biological nitrification process in the presence of sulfide and organic matter, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering.
2020, TaniaPérez-Pérez, IleanaPereda-Reyes, Gleyce Teixeira Correia, Eloisa Pozzi, Wu Hong Kwong, Deny Oliva-Merencio, Marcelo Zaiat, Silvio Montalvo and César Huiliñir.. Performance of EGSB reactor using natural zeolite as support for treatment of synthetic swine wastewater, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.
2020, Montalvo, S., Huiliñir, C., Castillo, A., Pagés-Díaz, J., Guerrero, L.. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus recovery from liquid swine wastes: a review, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
2020, Pagés-Díaz J., Cerda A., Montalvo S., Diaz-Robles L. and Huiliñir C.. Anaerobic bio-methane potential of the liquors from hydrothermal carbonization of different lignocellulose biomasses, Renewable Energy.
2020, Pino-Cortés E., Montalvo S., Huiliñir C., Cubillos F. and Gacitúa J.. Characteristics and Treatment of Wastewater from the Mercaptan Oxidation Process: A Comprehensive Review, Processes.
2020, Huiliñir, C., Acosta, L., Yanez, D., Montalvo, S., Esposito, G., Retamales, G., Levicán, G. and Guerrero, L.. Elemental sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification in stoichiometric S0/N ratio: Calibration and validation of a kinetic model, Bioresource Technology.
2020, Montalvo, S., Huiliñir, C., Borja, R., Sánchez, E., Herrmann, C.. Application of zeolites for biological treatment processes of solid wastes and wastewaters – A review, Bioresource Technology.
2020, Peirano C., Guerrero L., Barahona A., Montalvo S., Huiliñir C., Da Silva C., Borja R.. Assessment of simultaneous autotrophic‐heterotrophic denitrification with high removal of nitrogen, sulphur, and carbon: optimization through response surface methodology, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
2020, Montalvo S., Martinez J., Castillo A., Huiliñir, C., Borja, R., García, V. and Salazar, R.. Sustainable energy for a winery through biogas production and its utilization: A Chilean case study, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.
2020, Huiliñir C., Fuentes V., Esposito G., Montalvo S., Guerrero L.. Nitrification in the presence of sulfide and organic matter in a sequencing moving bed biofilm reactor (SMBBR) with zeolite as biomass carrier, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
2020, Huiliñir C., Leiva E., Stegmaier F., Castillo A., Cottet L., Montalvo S.. Biodrying of dewatered secondary sludge: behavior of dynamic respiration index (DRI) and energy release under different operating conditions, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
2019, Vidal, J., Carvajal, A., Huiliñir, C., Salazar, R.. Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment by a combined anaerobic digestion/solar photoelectro-Fenton process performed in semicontinuous operation, Chemical Engineering Journal.
2019, Guerrero, L., Da Silva, C., Barahona, A., Montalvo, S.,Huiliñir C., Borja, R., Peirano C., Toledo, M., Carvajal, A.. Fly ash as stimulant for anaerobic digestion: effect over hydrolytic stage and methane generation rate, Water Science and Technology.
2019, Montalvo, S., Huiliñir, C., Borja, R., Castillo, A., Pereda, I.. Anaerobic digestion of wastewater rich in sulfate and sulfide: effects of metallic waste addition and micro-aeration on process performance and methane production, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering.
2019, Huiliñir, C., Montalvo, S., Borja, R.. A new and simple kinetic model for assessing the dynamic behavior and simulating the biochemical methane potential (BMP) of sewage sludge in the presence of fly ash, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
2019, Vidal, J., Huiliñir, C., Santander, R., Silva-Agredo, J., Torres-Palma, R.A., and Salazar, R.. Degradation of ampicillin antibiotic by electrochemical processes: evaluation of antimicrobial activity of treated water, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
2018, Huiliñir, C., Medina, R., Montalvo, S., Castillo, A., Guerrero, L.. Biological nitrification in the presence of sulfide and organic matter: Effect of zeolite on the process in a batch system, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
2018, Montalvo, S., Vielma, S., Borja, R., Huiliñir, C., Guerrero, L.. Increase in biogas production in anaerobic sludge digestion by combining aerobic hydrolysis and addition of metallic wastes, Renewable Energy.
2018, Vidal, J., Huiliñir, C., Santander, R., Silva-Agredo, J., Torres-Palma, R.A., Salazar, R.. Effective removal of the antibiotic Nafcillin from water by combining the Photoelectro-Fenton process and Anaerobic Biological Digestio, Science of the Total Environment.
2017, Pablo Gertner, César Huiliñir, Paula Pinto-Villegas, Alejandra Castillo, Silvio Montalvo, Lorna Guerrero.. A new model for including the effect of fly ash on biochemical methane potential, Waste Management.
2017, S. Montalvo, I. Cahn, R. Borja, C. Huiliñir, L. Guerrero.. Use of solid residue from thermal power plant (fly ash) for enhancing sewage sludge anaerobic digestion: Influence of fly ash particle size, Bioresource Technology.
2017, Huiliñir C., Pinto-Villegas P., Castillo A., Montalvo S., Guerrero L.. Biochemical methane potential from sewage sludge: Effect of an aerobic pretreatment and fly ash addition as source of trace elements, Waste Management.
2017, Huiliñir C., Pérez J., Olivares D.. A new model of batch biodrying of sewage sludge, Part 1: Model development and simulations, Drying Technology.
2017, Huiliñir C., Pérez J.. A new model of batch biodrying of sewage sludge, Part 2: Model calibration and validation, Drying Technology.
2016, Montalvo S., Prades H., González M., Pérez P., Guerrero L., Huiliñir C.. Anaerobic digestion of wastewater with high sulfate concentration using micro-aeration and natural zeolites, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
2016, Santiago R., Huilinir C., Cottet L., Castillo A.. Microbiological characterization for a new wild strain of Paenibacillus polymyxa with antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea, Biological Control.
2016, Montalvo S., Ojeda F., Huiliñir C., Guerrero L., Borja R., Castillo A.. Performance evaluation of micro-aerobic hydrolysis of mixed sludge: Optimum aeration and effect on its biochemical methane potential, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING.
2016, Guerrero L., Montalvo S., Huilinir C., Barahona A., Borja R., Cortes A.. Simultaneous nitrification-denitrification of wastewater: effect of zeolite as a support in sequential batch reactor with step-feed strategy, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
2016, Vidal J., Huiliñir C., Salazar R.. Removal of organic matter contained in slaughterhouse wastewater using a combination of anaerobic digestion and solar photoelectro-Fenton processes, Electrochimica Acta.
2016, Montalvo S., Huiliñir C., Ojeda F., Castillo A., Lillo L. and Guerrero L.. Microaerobic pretreatment of sewage sludge: Effect of air flow rate, pretreatment time and temperature on the aerobic process and methane generation, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.
2016, Guerrero L, Aguirre J.P., Muñoz M.A., Barahona A., Huiliñir C., Montalvo S. and Borja R.. Autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification for simultaneous removal of nitrogen, sulfur and organic matter, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING.
2016, Montalvo S., Huiliñir C., Gálvez D., Roca N. and Guerrero L.. Autotrophic denitrification with sulfide as electron donor: Effect of zeolite, organic matter and temperature in batch and continuous UASB reactors, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.
2016, Guerrero L., Montalvo S., Huiliñir C., Campos J.L., Barahona A., Borja R.. Advances in the biological removal of sulphides from aqueous phase in anaerobic processes: A review, Environmental Reviews.
2015, Huiliñir C., Villegas M.. Simultaneous effect of initial moisture content and airflow rate on biodrying of sewage sludge, Water Research.
2015, Huiliñir C., Montalvo S., Guerrero L.. Biodegradability and methane production from secondary paper and pulp sludge: effect of fly ash and modeling, Water Science and Technology.
2014, S. Montalvo, L. Guerrero, M. Robles, C. Mery, C. Huiliñir, R. Borja.. Start-up and performance of UASB reactors using zeolite for improvement of nitrate removal process., Ecological Engineering.
2014, S. Montalvo, J. San Martin, C. Huiliñir, L. Guerrero, R. Borja.. Assessment of a UASB reactor with high ammonia concentrations: Effect of zeolite addition on process performance., Process Biochemistry.
2014, C. Huiliñir, A. Quintriqueo, Ch. Antileo, S. Montalvo.. Methane production from secondary paper and pulp sludge: Effect of natural zeolite and modeling., Chemical Engineering Journal.
2014, Cesar Huiliñir, Manuel Villegas. 2014.. Biodrying of pulp and paper secondary sludge: Kinetics of volatile solids biodegradation, Bioresource Technology.
2014, Elisa A Giustinianovich, Estrella R Aspé, César E Huiliñir, Marlene D Roeckel. 2014.. Simultaneous C and N removal from saline salmon effluents in filter reactors comprising anoxic-anaerobic-aerobic processes: Effect of recycle ratio, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING.
2013, Guerrero, L., Chamy, R., Jeison, D., Montalvo, S., Huiliñir, C.. "Behavior of the anaerobic treatment of tannery wastewater at different initial pH values and sulfate concentrations", JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING.
2013, Huiliñir C., Montalvo S.. "Modeling of an anoxic/methanogenic biofilm: Effect of pH calculation within the biofilm", Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering.
2012, Moya, J., Huiliñir, C., Peredo, K., Aspé, E., Roeckel, M.. "Modeling of simultaneous denitrification - Anaerobic digestion - Organic matter aerobic oxidation and nitrification in an anoxic-anaerobic-aerobic compact filter reactor", Journal of Biotechnology.
2012, Huiliñir, C., Hernández, S., Aspé, E., Roeckel, M.. "Simultaneous nitrate and organic matter removal from salmon industry wastewater: The effect of C/N ratio, nitrate concentration and organic load rate on batch and continuous process", Journal of Environmental Management.
2012, Cesar Huiliñir Curio; Sven-Uwe Geissen; Jan Knodel; Marlene Roeckel Von Bennewitz; Estrella Aspé Lillo.. "Modelling of integrated anoxic-anaerobic-aerobic treatment for salmon fishery wastewater in an upflow fixed-bed biofilm reactor", Environmental Technology.
2011, Cesar Huiliñir, Estrella Aspé, Marlene Roeckel. 2011.. Modeling of the denitrification/anaerobic digestion process of salmon fishery wastewater in a biofilm tubular reactor, Journal of Environmental Management.
2010, César Huiliñir, Rodrigo Romero, Carlos Muñoz, Christian Bornhardt, Marlene Roeckel, Christian Antileo. 2010.. Dynamic Modeling of Partial Nitrification in a Rotating Disk Biofilm Reactor: Calibration, Validation and Simulation, Biochemical Engineering Journal.
2019, Development of advanced biotechnological processes for the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen in the presence of sulfur and organic matter, by using Chilean natural zeolites., Co-Investigador, FONDECYT.
2019, Nuevo modelo matemático para el proceso de digestión anaerobia de agua residual vitivinícola acondicionada con cenizas., Investigador Patrocinante, FONDECYT Postdoctorado.
2018, Obtención de fertilizante (estruvita y azufre) en reactores anaerobios de purines de cerdos, Director, FONDEF IdeA.
2018, Digestión anaerobia de licores provenientes de la carbonización hidrotérmica (htc) de diferentes mezclas de lodos de plantas de tratamientos de aguas residuales y residuos orgánicos urbanos, Investigador Patrocinante, FONDECYT Postdoctorado.
2018, Desarrollo de una nueva tecnología biológica/fotoelectroquímica para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de la industria vitivinícola, Investigador responsable, Proyecto DICYT Asociativo (USACH) .
2017, Simultaneous Removal of Carbon-Nitrogen-Sulfide in a New Sequential Batch Biofilm Reactor with Elemental Sulfur and Zeolite as Support: Performance and Modeling, Investigador responsable, FONDECYT.
2017, Application of Electrochemical Advances Oxidation processes for organics removal in Industrial Wastewater, Co-Investigador, FONDECYT.
2013, Simultaneous bio-elimination of nitrogen and sulphur in the presence and absence of complex organic matter, Co-Investigador, FONDECYT.
2013, Development of a new dynamic model for batch biodrying process of dewatered sewage sludge, Investigador responsable, FONDECYT.
2013, Development and modeling of a new methodology for anaerobic sewage sludge treatment: Enhancement of hydrolysis and methanogenesis by application of micro aeration and solid waste as trace elements supplement, Co-Investigador, FONDECYT.
2011, Biosecado de lodos residuales: Efecto del agente estructurante en el proceso, Investigador responsable, DICYT/USACH.
2009, Modelación del proceso anóxico-anaeróbico-nitrificante en un reactor tubular de biopelícula, Investigador Principal, CONICYT-DAAD.